It’s not true that everyone can do this ! It’s not true that you can do this with anyone! It’s not true that you can always do this ! FREELANCER – USER’S GUIDE To have an element of freelance inside of you is the way you look at the world. It means freedom and independence … Czytaj dalej

10 sugestii jak skutecznie korzystać z mediów społecznościowych, aby wypromować firmę

10 suggestions how to effectively use social media to promote your company How can you get around Facebook and LinkedIn efficiently? Is the mere presence in the social media enough? Or maybe it’s better to have a say in the most important discussions and to inspire innovative solutions? On the one hand, the Internet is … Czytaj dalej

Jaka jest Warszawa?

Steward Cogle

Warsaw freelancers So, what is this Warsaw? Warsaw is a city like any other. It has flats and houses, shops and restaurants, pubs and clubs. People walk in the streets, do their things, talking and drinking coffee. Our inhabitant wakes up in the morning, cuts the bread for breakfast, opens the windows, makes the bed … Czytaj dalej

Proces rekrutacyjny

Across Europe and beyond millions of young people are struggling to find their professional feet, but how many will do so? Not many, it seems in these days of austerity, and this is a big problem also in Poland. People born in the 1980s, during the baby boom, are finding it especially hard to find … Czytaj dalej

Evelyn Maersk – Morska Dama

Evelyn Maersk, Lady of the Sea She sailed into the port. She…the Sea Lady no less. Beautiful and powerful. She came from the other side of the world to Europe. For a few months the Baltic Sea has been her home. She has always been directed towards the strongest and this time pays her attention … Czytaj dalej

Ryszard Kapuściński – arystokrata myśli / Aristocrat of thoughts

Arystokrata myśli Skromnie, cicho wręcz szeptem opowiadał o tym co zobaczył i czego doświadczył. Jaki był naprawdę? Kim był najwybitniejszy polski reportażysta? Sprytnym kreatorem rzeczywistości, czy wrażliwym artystą? Pisał systematycznie, potrzebował rytmu. Jak tancerz, który sprawnie wygina swoje ciało w rytm muzyki, tak on pulsacyjnie dobierał słowa, akcenty i stopniował napięcie. Jak można poznać Kapuścińskiego? … Czytaj dalej

Poradnik Gentlemana

How should we define a Gentleman? What should he wear and say? Do elegant men still exist? If yes then where we can find them? How we can recognize them? Well it’s not an easy task. Because there are only a few of them around. And sometimes they can hide rather well. I personally know … Czytaj dalej

Poradnik Gentlemana nr2.

In the first guide, our Gentleman made a good initial impression and nothing seemed to indicate that after the first exam, which he passed, he might have been pretending. So what next? Let’s take a closer at him, but in a different environment. Money. The Gentleman goes to work. He leaves home in the morning … Czytaj dalej